Friday, August 28, 2009

Not sure why but the Lord seems to be throwing all kinds of knowledge my way lately... whether I want it or not ;)  I am really trying to trust the Lord and be content with  His plan in His time. Something occurred to me today. Where exactly does it say that because I am a Christian that life will be a bed of roses?? It sure doesn't say that in the bible! The bible does say that he works His plans for the good of those that love Him (Romans 8:28) BUT it does not say we will understand those plans or even like them. I suppose its like how we parents often have to do things we know are for the good of our little ones though they don't have the mental capacity to understand that. The bible is supposed to be an example of what to expect and live by, what is the bible full of? Stories of adversity and trials. The Lord does not always tell these people why they went through what they did. Looking back since we see the whole story, we can. So can I trust God, even when I do not understand His plan? In Isaiah 55:8 the Lord declares " For My thoughts are not your thoughts,Nor are your ways My ways," So I wonder, is me trying to figure out His ways kind of like a squirrel watching me and thinking "WHAT is she doing and why?" 

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! A while back, in Ravelry, I saw this: "God doesn't give you what he thinks you can handle, he helps you handle the things you are given." How true is that? (If you're interested, my blog is:
